What’s New!

What’s New!

Current Release

Current release is now in version 3.0.

We have changed up the color themes, updated some labels to better indicate what they do, streamlined some behaviors, and added in some new features!

  • All operating systems - Option to login by retrieving your key directly using your account information (Currently does not support Facebook login)
  • Updated some text for better clarification of what they do
      • Refresh Library (2.0) / Check for Updates ( is now Sync library data
      • Sync Library (2.0) is now Download All
      • Output Path (2.0) is now Download Directory
      • Settings - Check for updates (2.0 to is now Check for new version on app startup
  • List view- the original library display, but now only shows titles. The file lists have been moved to the new title information screen.
  • Tile view- displays your library by title cover icons 
  • Selection mode - When using select all or individually selecting a title will go to a dedicated screen where titles can be selected/unselected and downloaded. 
  • Title information page - reached by clicking on the i icon in list view or on the red and grey bar at the bottom of a cover in tile view. The page will display publisher, rule system, date downloaded, date of last update of files, and the complete file list for that title. 
  • Sorting options now have their own drop down and we have added the option to sort by purchase date ( New to Old and Old to New)
  • Two new filter options
      • Not Downloaded - shows titles that have any files not downloaded yet.
      • Has Updates - Appears only when a title’s files have been updated and will show only those titles that have updated files.
  • Additional visual cues and behaviors
      • Titles that have files downloaded will now have an i icon instead of an Open button.
      • Clicking on the i icon will go to the title information page
      • Titles with just one file will now open the file when the bar/title cover is clicked on
      • Titles with multiple files will go to the title information page when the bar/title cover is clicked on
      • Titles that have no downloads will now have their cover image faded out
      • When an error occurs the status message will appear at the bottom highlighted red
      • Clicking on the red error status bar will open a pop up that lists titles that had files that did gave an error. Clicking on a title in that pop up will go to that title information page. 
      • (Version only) - If downloading has been disabled for a folder scan, the download buttons will fade out 
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